Volume 25, no. 2

Bleeding Earth

Autumn 2022

The Battle of BP and the Bucket Brigade

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill evokes grim, apocalyptic images. But arose from this familiar story of negligence, corporate greed, and disregard for nature belies another story of grassroots disaster response, environmental activism...

The Minerals Must Flow

From copper in Chile, gold in South Africa, to rare earth elements in China, extraction delimits world history and the current geopolitical landscape. Natural resources are not neutral; we must understand who extracts them, where do they...

Agua privada

El agua es un recurso esencial para la vida. Sin embargo, surcamos desde hace años una ola privatizadora que acentúa las desigualdades en el acceso al agua. La sobreexplotación de los acuíferos, la venta de agua embotellada, la...

Vehicles of Extraction

The so-called "zero emission" electric vehicle is touted as a silver bullet solution to climate change. A look at EV's history and current supply chain reveals the logic of extractive capitalism, and why such technocratic thinking detracts...

Get Involved with SftP


Since 2014, activists across the United States and in Mexico have rebuilt the organization, which now has about a dozen active local chapters and numerous working groups that bring people in different locations together to work on specific...


Our magazine is run exclusively by volunteers. We devote our labor solely for the pursuit of a science and a society free from the shackles of capital! In keeping with our values, our magazine makes all of our content free and accessible...


We put out Call for Proposals for print or special issues frequently. Sign up to our newsletter for updates. Please also visit our special issue pages as some may be accepting articles on a rolling basis. Contributor Fees $250: Feature...