Chinese medicine had a steady presence in the US since the arrival of...
Chinese Medicine: A Framework for Healing and Liberation

Chinese medicine had a steady presence in the US since the arrival of...
Similar to Cabral’s and Freire’s strategies, the Zapatista attempt...
...the preservation and development of ways of knowing nature is...
Afrofuturism draws upon profound sources of knowledge and wisdom...
The question of how to practice “science for the people” should be a focus for all radical scientists. We must begin to relearn the practices that can mobilize science effectively in support of the working class and its recomposition. In...
An analysis of any field of medical practice in Gaza is, from the outset, an analysis of thick layers of Israeli oppression. The case I offer here pertains to the field of speech-language pathology and audiology, which was first introduced...
To understand the link between science and militarism, it is important to recognize the ideological justification that a narrow view of science provides for the continuation of imperialism.
The assassination of more than 14,000 Palestinian children and deliberate starvation of two million people by Zionist occupiers in Gaza with the full support of western governments assault our preconceived notion of rationality. It is...
Palestinian youths today are paving the way toward establishing food sovereignty and reducing dependence on the products and employment of the occupation. They uphold their values and principles through a cooperative organizational model...
Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns, each with a small and manageable population living sustainably with nature. The land was owned or worked by the...
Since 2014, activists across the United States and in Mexico have rebuilt the organization, which now has about a dozen active local chapters and numerous working groups that bring people in different locations together to work on specific...
Our magazine is run exclusively by volunteers. We devote our labor solely for the pursuit of a science and a society free from the shackles of capital! In keeping with our values, our magazine makes all of our content free and accessible...
We put out Call for Proposals for print or special issues frequently. Sign up to our newsletter for updates. Please also visit our special issue pages as some may be accepting articles on a rolling basis. Contributor Fees $250: Feature...