Holleman’s Dust Bowls of Empire analyzes the dustbowlification of the land as the predictable consequence of settler...
Tag - colonialism
Both Tanzania and Sweden have refused strict COVID-19 measures, yet the media narratives are vastly different.
Mwitikio wa kimataifa juu ya Tanzania kutokuchukua hatua zozote za kudhibiti janga la Ugonjwa wa Virusi vya Korona...
The eradication of the racialized effects of colonialism and capitalism must be at the center of all climate policy...
Debemos centrar la erradicación de los efectos racializados del colonialismo y el capitalismo en los imaginarios que...
In March 2020, New York City became the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, as the virus spread...
Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns...
Nain is the most northern Inuit community in Nunatsiavut, Canada. It was one of the first places in Newfoundland and...