The case of the Zapatistas is one of many Indigenous communities that are adamantly combating environmental degradation caused by the remnants of colonialism and the rise of neoliberalism. Their agricultural practices offer a lesson of...
Author - SftP Publishing
We sat down with Daniel Maingi, Programs Manager at Growth Partners Africa and Coordinator of the Kenya Food Rights Alliance, to discuss the impact of the Gates Foundation on African agriculture, smallholder farmers, and food sovereignty.
The 2021 documentary directed by Raj Patel and Zak Piper recaptures the revolutionary agency of the oppressed, and sends a message of urgency, solidarity, and hope in our present conjuncture.
Paul Farmer passed away in February 2022. More than a renowned public health expert, clinician, and humanitarian hero, he sought to understand the root of global health inequality in order to change it.
This article is a snapshot from The Mapping Project: a project created by activists and organizers in eastern Massachusetts, investigating local links between entities responsible for the colonization of Palestine, for dispossession, and...
While missing in concrete strategy to build power, Half-Earth Socialism provides a utopian plan that invites readers to imagine how socialism would work to save humanity from ecological collapse.
In the face of imperialist aggression, the Venezuelan people have demonstrated to the world their capacity to defend national sovereignty as well as advancing agroecology through peasant knowledge.
El pueblo venezolano le ha demostrado al mundo su capacidad de resistencia, en defensa de la soberanía nacional y su manera digna de persistir y avanzar en diferentes frentes socio-productivos.
Organizing reports from SftP Canada and the Archive Digitization Working Group.
To talk about food is to face with sober senses our real conditions of life. Everyone needs to eat; yet, some savor the extravagant, some struggle to put food on the table, while others starve. Consider the fact that 10 percent of the...