The Art from Racial Capitalism
By the Volume 24, Number 1 Editorial Collective
Volume 24, Number 1, Racial Capitalism
July 9, 2021
The images below are from Science for the People’s Spring/Summer 2021 issue, “Racial Capitalism .” For more information about the issue’s artists and authors, see the contributors page .
Click each preview to expand the image
Artwork by Mariah-Rose Marie
Artwork by Kamaria Kermah
Artwork by Dina Farone
AGHAM (Advocates of Science and Technology for the People)
Artwork by Natalia Maria Padilla Castellanos
From the Science for the People archives
Pastor Paul Wilson of Union Hill Baptist Church stands in front of a group protesting the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (© Chesapeake Climate Action Network)
Khalil Gibran Muhammad’s The Condemnation of Blackness
Alondra Nelson’s Body and Soul
Juan Moreno Haines (Photograph by Peter Merts)
D. D. Kosambi
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits
“Conjugal condition of American Negores according to age periods”, W. E. B. DuBois and students from Atlanta University (c. 1900)
“Income and expenditure of 150 Negro families in Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A.”, W. E. B. Du Bois (c. 1900)
Early COVID-19 response timeline in Tanzania. Marina de Haro.
Early COVID-19 response timeline in Sweden. Marina de Haro.
Legacy of colonialism in Tanzania. Marina de Haro.
Artwork by Andres Chang
Artwork by Andres Chang
Arrowhead point distribution of Folsom culture (c. 10,900–9,500 B.P.). Adapted from
Arrowhead point distribution of Clovisculture (c. 15,000–10,000 B.P.). Adapted from
Artwork by Jake Thrasher
Artwork by Elijah Forbes
Artwork by Leslee Lazar
Artwork by Leslee Lazar
Modified cover of Science for the People Vol. 14, No. 2