Meet the Contributors to “Racial Capitalism”
Volume 24, Number 1, Racial Capitalism

s.e. anderson is a Mathematics and Black History professor who splits his time between Brooklyn and South Florida helping to organize the rebuilding of the Black Left as well as fighting for a free antiracist national public education system.
- Twitter: @blackeducator

Dina Farone, MA, is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator with a focus on climate and environmental topics. She received her master’s degree in Climate and Society from Columbia University and is the owner of Net-Zero Farms, a sustainable farming start-up.
- Website:
Elijah Forbes is a Two Spirited person of the Waganakising Odawa band. He creates illustrations and comics with an emphasis on Indigenous storytelling and transgender joy, seeking to increase representation across industries. His other passions include accessible arts education, mutual aid and environmentally friendly futures for the art field.
- Twitter: @paintedturtleco
- Instagram: @paintedturtleco
Marina de Haro is a Graphic Designer from Puerto Rico. She focuses on editorial design, branding, and illustration. Her only weakness is bio writing, you can look her up at
- Instagram: @latardeser
Walda Katz-Fishman, PhD, is a scholar activist, popular educator, professor of sociology at Howard University and a founding member of Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide and National Planning Committee of United States Social Forum. She is active in many social justice movement organizations, including the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and is author/co-author of numerous chapters and articles on the global capitalist crisis, class, race and gender, and transformative social movements toward socialism.
Kamaria Kermah’s art revolves around how portraiture and acceptance of darkness as a form of being. She is from Takoradi Ghana and is currently focusing on art that can provide her passage back home.
- Instagram: @hagardead
Leslee Lazar, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist and an artist. Currently, he works as an Assistant Teaching Professor at the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at the IIT Gandhinagar, India. As an artist, he experiments with digital, multimedia collages and printmaking techniques. You can see more of his work at
- Twitter: @leslee_lazar
- Instagram: @dull_eye_llama
Leanne Loo is a student at Tufts University studying Anthropology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her research and organizing are centered in abolition, decolonial feminisms, and transnational solidarity. She is broadly interested in how power operates and how narratives are produced, reproduced, and silenced, with specific attention to imperializing narratives of disease and contagion.
- Twitter: @leanne_loo
Mariah-Rose Marie is a US-born writer, artist & poet currently based in Chicago. Working largely between television and editorial projects, she is an Ignatz Award winner with clients that include Warner Bros. Animation, The New Yorker, Titmouse Inc., and The Nib. Her work often centers around nature, ancestry and humor with an emphasis on humanity beyond borders, and the inherent worth in all living things.
- Twitter: @mariahrosemarie
- Instagram: @biophonies

Natalia Maria Padilla Castellanos was born in Guatemala and moved to New Haven at the age of ten, and has lived there ever since. Currently, she is a senior at Wilbur Cross High School and attends the Educational Center for the Arts as a visual artist. After she graduates, she will be attending Yale University, where she will continue my artistic pursuits.
- Instagram: @Nataliapadillac

Lisette E. Torres, MSc, PhD, is a trained scientist and disabled scholar-activist and Senior Research Associate and Program Coordinator at TERC, a non-profit made up of teams of math and science education and research experts. Her research focuses on racialized gender justice and disability in science and higher education. Lisette is an active member of SftP and a co-founder and executive board member of the National Coalition for Latinxs with Disabilities (CNLD).
- Twitter: @LisetteETorres3
- Facebook: lisettet3
Quynh Le Vo holds a BSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is currently completing a master’s in environmental change and global sustainability at the University of Helsinki, focusing on climate adaptation in Southeast Asia. Born in Vietnam, she has subsequently lived in Hungary, Finland, the UK and the US. Previously, she has worked for the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations, covering environmental and development issues.
- Twitter: @quynhlevo
Travis L. Williams, PhD, received his doctorate in Sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz and currently works as a Teaching Faculty instructor in the Department of Sociology at Virginia Commonwealth University where he teaches classes on environmental sociology, race, ethnicity and racism, and social movements. In addition to teaching sociology, he is active in his local community of Richmond, Virginia where he is part of the Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative.
- Twitter: @broccoli_funk
- Facebook: travislwilliamz
- Instagram: @broccoli_funk