We met with organizers of Stop LAPD Spying and the Palestinian Youth Movement to discuss our common struggle against imperialism, the abuse of technology, complicity of scientists and technical workers, as we envision a liberatory future.
Category - Vol24-2 Don’t Be Evil
Actualmente el software libre está permitiendo que las comunidades indígenas puedan compartir información confiable. Las comunidades indígenas de México han estado luchando por proteger la radiocomunicación, lo que a la vez ayuda a que...
The 996.ICU movement in China—named after a rhyme in Chinese, “working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m for 6 days a week puts you in the ICU”—was a cry against the exploitative tech sector. Tech workers worldwide must learn its lessons and pursue...
التقت مجموعة التحرير مع منظمي تحالف مكافحة استخبارات شرطة لوس أنجلس و حركة الشباب الفلسطيني من أجل مقابلة حول نضالنا المشترك ضد الإمبريالية ، استغلال التكنولوجيا و تواطؤ العلماء و المهنيين التقنيين ، بينما نبتكر مستقبلا تحرريا
Em 1999, Howard Zinn publicou a estimada obra Marx in Soho: A Play on History. A cortina então se fechou na imaginação de Zinn. Mas a história continua...
Open source software is currently giving back to indigenous communities the ability to spread trustworthy information. Indigenous communities of Mexico have been fighting to protect community radio communication, which in turn helps them...
Los debates sobre las limitaciones y el impacto que tienen en la sociedad los modelos de procesamiento del lenguaje natural usualmente se toman a la ligera en disertaciones populares: los algoritmos, o data, son buenos o malos. Este...
With monopolies on production and distribution of consumer technologies, big tech companies are also securing legal means to increase their profit margins by preventing repair, reuse, and reinvention. The irrationality of global capitalism...
A look at the original cover art by Jake Thrasher in the magazine's Autumn 2021 issue on technology and capitalism.
Reports from SftP Santa Cruz, Western Mass, Twin Cities, Ann Arbor chapters, the Pandemic Working Group, and the Marx/STS Reading Group.