Before Tina Stevens and Stuart Newman wrote Biotech Juggernaut, Newman helped Stevens fight legal action from an unexpectedly powerful adversary. Two scientists and the financer-author of Proposition 71, a 2004 California state initiative...
Category - Vol23-3 Bio-Politics
“[Cultural theorist Sylvia] Wynter says we are not Homo sapiens, we are Homo narrans, not the ones who know, but the ones who tell ourselves that we know. She says we therefore have the capacity to know differently. We are word made flesh...
«[La teórica cultural Sylvia] Wynter dice que no somos Homo sapiens, somos Homo narrans, no los que sabemos, sino los que nos decimos que sabemos. Dice que, por lo tanto, tenemos la capacidad de saber de forma diferente. Somos la palabra...
Read how SftP organizers are protesting Moderna's vaccine profiteering, uncovering military funding in the academy, and digitizing the SftP Magazine archives
Ruth Hubbard was born in March, 1924 in Vienna. Both her parents were socialists, physicians, and Jews who, after Hitler’s conquest of Austria in 1938, fled to the United States and settled outside of Boston. Hubbard’s academic career...
By 2018, it was clear that CRISPR had spun out of control. In the United States, one biotech company managed to bypass the Food and Drug Administration to get CRISPR-modified food onto people’s dinner plates. Not long after, a world...
On May Day 2020, Socialists of Caltech wrote a response to Caltech administrators’ cutting of graduate student health benefits in the midst of a global pandemic. The following is an edited version of that response, tying the history of...
La science étatsunienne a longtemps aspiré à se présenter comme exceptionnelle. En 1966, l'historien Hunter Dupre a invité ses collègues à célébrer cet exceptionnalisme, selon lui, longtemps négligé. Plus d'un demi-siècle plus tard...
In March 2020, New York City became the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, as the virus spread exponentially through the densely populated city. But, almost unnoticed by national media, the virus was spreading at an...
See the art on the cover of our Winter 2020 issue, Bio-Politics