On the Cover
Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries
Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries
150 years ago, on March 18, 1871, the poor and working class of Paris — referred to dismissively by contemporary French officialdom as “the vile multitude” — rose in rebellion. They disarmed the existing national guard and armed the...
A look at the original art by Dio Cramer and Seena Mavaddat in the magazine's Winter 2021 issue.
"Microbial Speculation of Our Gut Feelings" uses the gut’s microbes as a way of looking deeply into immigrant health and resisting processes of colonization. This multimedia installation illuminates the vibrant materiality of immigrant...
Elizabeth was an integral part of the group that produced the first issues of Science for the People. She not only contributed artwork but also participated in layout, paste-up, and the numerous other tasks necessary in those pre-computer...