On the Cover
Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries
Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries
What is there to learn from Fleming’s “Atlas for the Green New Deal”? Rather than plowing forward as if the answers could be determined on the basis of ever-improved computation, Fleming’s team has chosen to properly recognize the lived...
150 years ago, on March 18, 1871, the poor and working class of Paris — referred to dismissively by contemporary French officialdom as “the vile multitude” — rose in rebellion. They disarmed the existing national guard and armed the...
Sebãstiao Salgado is like a sensitive instrument that vibrates in tune with what he is viewing and experiencing. Through his camera, he expresses solidarity and acknowledges the gifts he receives from his subjects—the exact opposite to the...
See the art and other images featured in Science for the People's Spring/Summer 2021 issue on racial capitalism.