A Flash
By Ed Romano
Volume 24, Number 1, Racial Capitalism
July 14, 2021

A B-2 Bomber’s lazy hum metamorphosizes
Boom! Flash! A port town leveled
By a pencil drawing of atoms on a notepad
Transmuting into a knee1 dropped
On the neck of a marked people
Condemned for their scars
The Apple bitten in Eden
Is the same that struck Isaac
Falling from paradise
Disintegrating into superheated air
Rising up into ruffled contours
Culminating a Promethean quest
Grandstanding to God
An ode to the Devil and his machismo
A fissile cigarette, lit after coitus
Totem of Total destruction
Prefigured to lord over all life
Daring to reduce it back
To atomic dust
They say to themselves:
The firstborn shall inherit the earth!
Their übermensch by divine right
Charting the course and setting the flame
To detonate those holy conflagrations
They would engulf this planet
Its subjects bow in fear
Nodding to the Γogic in its M.A.D.ness
Their nations, like moths
Hypnotized by its fire
Must know and possess it
And eventually burn in it
Under the flag of Might
Supremacy by those
Who would enclose bounty into borders
With no land left
For a free soul to till
Summoning the spectre of
Fear to the commoner
Forcing a forfeiture of their will
To reorder the world into those who recoil
And those who clamor for quiet
Meanwhile the clerics profess birth from the rib
divinity fashioned after their image
With the marked, scrubbed from the feet
They urge those who tremble at the barrel’s end
To submit to what is new- and -clear
Reducing those who strive
Into capitulated dreamers
They wake
To menial employ,
To duplicitous treaties,
To live under Empire—
Under the fist of thermonuclear monarchy.
About the Author
Ed Romano is just someone trying to survive late-stage capitalism.
- Scarry, Elaine. “Memorial Days: the racial underpinnings of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.“ The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists. August 3, 2020. https://thebulletin.org/2020/08/memorial-days/