تتبعاً للفكر الثوري عند ماو وفانون وكابرال، ألح صلاح الدين العمامي أن العلم والتكنولوجيا هما المفتاح للتحرير الوطني: لا...
Tag - agroecology
Following the line of revolutionary thought from Mao, Fanon, and Cabral, Slaheddine El-Amami saw science and technology...
As the dairy industry in the United States consolidated, this case study of Vermont reveals structural obstacles that...
UAWC works to empower Palestinian farmers, reinforce their steadfastness (sumud) on the land, and to achieve food...
Palestinian youths today are paving the way toward establishing food sovereignty and reducing dependence on the...
El caso de los Zapatistas es el caso de muchas comunidades indígenas que están incesantemente combatiendo la...
The case of the Zapatistas is one of many Indigenous communities that are adamantly combating environmental degradation...
We sat down with Daniel Maingi, Programs Manager at Growth Partners Africa and Coordinator of the Kenya Food Rights...
In the face of imperialist aggression, the Venezuelan people have demonstrated to the world their capacity to defend...
El pueblo venezolano le ha demostrado al mundo su capacidad de resistencia, en defensa de la soberanía nacional y su...