The interview with Steven and Hilary Rose is a valuable reminder of the central role scientists played in setting the stage for international support of the Palestinian-led BDS campaign. The Roses wrote their letter to the Guardian in April 2002, in reaction to Israel's "policy of violent repression against...
Category - Vol23-1 Science Under Occupation
El 11 de junio de 1957, a las once de la noche, Maurice Audin, un matemático de veinticinco años, fue arrestado en su casa en Argel. Poco más de sesenta y un años después, el 13 de septiembre de 2018, a las dos de la tarde, Emmanuel...
The internet shutdown that started in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) on August 5, 2019, and was eased only on January 15, 2020, is the longest internet shutdown ever in any democracy.
Choque de resiliencia: agendas de recuperación en conflicto después de los huracanes puertorriqueños
La economía mundial le ha dado la espalda al Sur global. Fuerzas neoliberales (es decir, las corporaciones multinacionales y los gobiernos que las apoyan) no tan solo han expropiado sus recursos naturales y capital humano, sino que también...
La medicina moderna ha desplazado a la religión como el autor principal de los milagros. Sin embargo, rara vez nos detenemos a pensar en el proceso que conduce al desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos y, mucho menos, en las situaciones...
How can we approach and analyze the myriad interwoven relations between humans, animals, plants, and fungi? In her book The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibilities of Living in Capitalist Ruins, the anthropologist Anna Tsing...
The moonlit outlines of a metal gate were only partly visible when our community guide announced that we had reached our destination. After more than five hours of travel in the dead of the night, signage welcomed us with the resolute...
One cloudy, humid day in July 2018, I participated in a climate demonstration in front of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the heart of Metro Manila, Philippines. As part of an internship with Advocates of...
On June 11, 1957, at 11 p.m., Maurice Audin, a twenty-five-year-old mathematician, was arrested at his home in Algiers. Just over sixty-one years later, on September 13, 2018, at 2 p.m., Emmanuel Macron, the president of the French...
The legacy of Sandra Harding’s contributions to theorizing “Science Under Occupation” is profound. For more than four decades now, Harding has famously insisted that a world of sciences (lower case and plural) exist, and that the mythic...