Patricia Kullberg spoke with Naomi Nkinsi, a third-year medical student at the University of Washington and a candidate for a Master of Public Health, about race-based medicine. This interview originally aired on the Old Mole Variety Hour...
Category - Online
#ShutDownSTEM #strike4blacklives was an organized work-stoppage by members of the Particles for Justice collective. The event took place throughout the academy in the United States and around the world to facilitate conversations about...
Is Jeff Gibbs's Planet of the Humans any more than "white dude doom porn"? What lessons can the green left take from its failings?
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage around the globe, killing thousands daily and pushing as many as 176 million people into extreme poverty, governments and companies are scrambling to develop a safe and effective vaccine. While...
Teddy Bear Patriarchy: A Conversation With Donna Haraway Toppling Theodore Roosevelt As anti-racist rebellions across the United States topple symbols of white supremacy, the statue of Theodore Roosevelt atop his horse remains at the...
Cliff Conner’s The Tragedy of American Science describes how science in the United States has been coopted by military and corporate forces, transforming what could be an instrument of discovery into one of death and destruction. Below...
In March, before data were available, I anticipated disparate rates of COVID-19 infection and death would be observed in African American communities in my interview on Roland Martin Unfiltered. Sadly, this prediction was borne out. By...
It is clear that science is important in combating COVID-19. We need to know how the virus spreads and what types of precautions are most effective. We need to estimate the number of cases to plan for caring for the sick. We need to know...
Racism has always been central to the process of empire-building. While today, anti-Arab racism, Islamophobia, and immigrant bashing are some of the main ideological bulwarks that keep the US military bloated with funding, historically...
The latest series of police killings of Black people, and ensuing nationwide protests, have understandably overshadowed the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States. Yet, the pandemic remains a distinct reality...