Like all historical processes, laboratories are shaped by class conflicts. This article presents a critical history of the lab and plots a future toward socializing our means of knowledge production.
Category - Online
September 1, 2021 The Elitist Trail and Other Poems By S. Rupsha Mitra The Elitist Trail It originates somewhere you don’t even recognize. Dungeons buried in the past, all self-proclaiming stereotypes in aeons — conditioned so well that...
Statements like the Great Barrington Declaration have disrupted political consensus among scientists and activists.
Ayahuasca is being explored by the nascent psychedelic industry, but what’s in it for the Native populations who created the medicine?
A champion of community-based primary care, Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed health services could lead to broader social transformation.
Holleman’s Dust Bowls of Empire analyzes the dustbowlification of the land as the predictable consequence of settler capitalist economies.
History repeats itself as a coalition of richer states block poorer countries from producing life-saving generic drugs and vaccines.
Deanna MacNeil explores the pleasures of self-preservation in her poem, "The Thermodynamics of Comfort."
The Return of Nature is a genealogy of ecological thinking. The word 'ecology' was not in common usage until the twentieth century, leading many to consider ecological thinking a fairly recent development. However, in this impressive...
150 years ago, on March 18, 1871, the poor and working class of Paris — referred to dismissively by contemporary French officialdom as “the vile multitude” — rose in rebellion. They disarmed the existing national guard and armed the...