Author - SftP Publishing

On scientists and solidarity with Palestine

The interview with Steven and Hilary Rose is a valuable reminder of the central role scientists played in setting the stage for international support of the Palestinian-led BDS campaign. The Roses wrote their letter to the Guardian in...

Racism, Empire, and Native Liberation

Racism has always been central to the process of empire-building. While today, anti-Arab racism, Islamophobia, and immigrant bashing are some of the main ideological bulwarks that keep the US military bloated with funding, historically...

A letter from our outgoing Managing Editor

Science for the People has work to do in standing to end racism, and that starts with our internal organizing. I want to highlight some of our successes as well as ways we can do better, particularly in including the voices of our Black...

#FreeTheVaccine to End the Pandemic

The latest series of police killings of Black people, and ensuing nationwide protests, have understandably overshadowed the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States. Yet, the pandemic remains a distinct reality...

STEM on Hold

The internet shutdown that started in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) on August 5, 2019, and was eased only on January 15, 2020, is the longest internet shutdown ever in any democracy.

Maternidad Bajo Control

La medicina moderna ha desplazado a la religión como el autor principal de los milagros. Sin embargo, rara vez nos detenemos a pensar en el proceso que conduce al desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos y, mucho menos, en las situaciones...

Foraging Connections

How can we approach and analyze the myriad interwoven relations between humans, animals, plants, and fungi? In her book The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibilities of Living in Capitalist Ruins, the anthropologist Anna Tsing...