Meet the Contributors
Volume 24, no. 3, Cooperation: Theory and Practice for the Commons

Amitava Banerjee, MSc is a graduate student trying to understand complex networked systems in nature and society with some machine learning and some reading, listening, and (un)learning. @amitava_physics

Caleb Simone is a queer white trans man pursuing their MLIS and MA in History at Simmons University. Their work focuses predominantly on space/place, queerness, and AIDS. @calebhsimone
Clifford D. Conner is a historian of science. He is the author of The Tragedy of American Science (Haymarket Books, 2020) and A People’s History of Science (Bold Type Books, 2005).
Dio Cramer is an artist, organizer, and visual storyteller, currently living on occupied Dakota lands in so-called Minnesota. She has a degree in geography from Macalester College with a focus on the role of human design in navigating the Anthropocene. Her current work focuses on community building and resiliency through the arts, and she has been involved in anti-pipeline, divestment, and police abolition movements. More of her work can be found at
Jake Thrasher was born in Birmingham, Alabama and is currently pursuing a PhD in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale. His research focuses on DNA damage repair mechanisms and cancer. Jake is also an award-winning editorial cartoonist and illustrator whose work tends to center around current events, politics, and social justice. @JakeGThrasher
Jessica A. F. Thompson, PhD is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Experimental Psychology at University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and philosophy of science. She models human learning and decision-making with artificial neural networks. @tsonj
Jordan Collver, MSc is a UK-based illustrator and science communicator specializing in using the visual and narrative power of comics to explore themes of science, nature, and belief. He is currently working on the comic series Hocus Pocus: Magic, Mystery & The Mind, and his work has been featured in The Journal of Science Communication, The London Natural History Museum, BBC Science Focus, Physics World, Politico, Slate, Nautilus, The Nib, Skeptical Inquirer, and several comic anthologies. @JordanCollver
Josephine Chinele is an award-winning Malawian journalist currently working freelance. She has published stories with COVID-19 Africa Watch, Good Governance Africa, openDemocracy, among others. She has done work for the United Kingdom’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Ireland’s RTE and several local nongovernmental organizations. Josephine is a passionate HIV-prevention advocate. @JosephineChinel
Leonora Martínez-Nuñez, PhD is a science illustrator and microbiologist. Her work is at the intersection of science and digital art, with the goal for helping scientific knowledge reach the general population through engaging visuals. She is always learning and trying to get better at this. @radiant_mol
Manu Raghavan is a postdoctoral scientist at New York University. He studies the mechanisms of visual perception and eye movements and has interest in the history and philosophy of science. He is also the lead technical editor of Science for the People. @mtraghavan
Marina de Haro is a graphic designer from Puerto Rico based in Barcelona. She’s currently working on a masters degree in branding and packaging. Her only weakness is bio writing, but you can find her work at
Marta Sofia Candeias Soares, PhD is a marine biologist from Lisbon, Portugal. He received a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Norwich and postdoctoral training from Institute of Applied Psychology in Lisbon, University of Porto, and the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. He is currently a senior researcher at the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO) at the University of Porto, studying neurobiology of social and cooperative behavior. @MartinhaCSoares
Michelle Cole Wenderlich is an independent scholar and community organizer who focuses on commoning, climate justice, and energy democracy. They hold a PhD in geography and wrote on movements in Berlin and Minneapolis to create public and democratically organized energy utilities. They are based on occupied Dakota homeland, in Minneapolis.
Myles Marshall is a biochemistry technician and the founder of Secret Molecule, a graphic design and animation studio for biochemistry researchers, journalists, and educators.
Paterson Hodgson is an illustrator and comic maker in Toronto, Canada. @patersinister
Promita Ghosh, MSc is currently a PhD student studying cancer signaling at McGill University, Canada, on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. She grew up in Kolkata, the beautiful city of Bengal, India, in a sweet family of eight, which includes a bird and a bunny, too! She is an avid reader and elocutionist, a professional Bharatnatyam dancer, a coffee connoisseur, a part-time makeup blogger and a passionate chef. She loves to write at nights since mornings are for experiments and lab meetings! @ghoshonthemove
Purple Romero, MS is a multimedia journalist who has reported about climate change, the environment and health for local and international news organizations such as Rappler, Climate Home, Reuters Alertnet, Mongabay, and @purpleromeropo
Raffy Cabristante is a multimedia community journalist based in Dumaguete City, Philippines. He is currently the news director of Yes The Best Dumaguete, a local radio station, and a local correspondent for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, a national newspaper. He recently obtained his Master in Journalism degree from the Ateneo de Manila University. @rafcabristante
RK Upadhya is an engineer in the energy and resources sector, currently working for an electric utility in Texas. @rk__upadhya
Sai Kwok, also known as “A better hell,” is a London-based artist who has developed a unique, eye-catching, and memorable illustration style through a constantly evolving approach. She enjoys translating the ordinary into the whimsical through acts of spontaneous imagination. Her daily sketch or doodle is her favorite time of the day. @abetterhell
Seena Mavaddat is a visual communicator with a passion for printmaking, street art, and mixed media. Art that is meaningful to him is art that combats and questions the status quo through intersectional, accessible, and community-based approaches. @commieprint
Tegan A. L. Morton, MS is a full-time science teacher and anti-bias educator living on Pawtucket and Massachusett land. In addition to a passion for rethinking science education with an eye towards equity, inquiry, and relevance, Tegan is interested in conservation biology and science and technology studies. @tegan_morton