To dispel the myth of a utopian vision of technology, we present a feature review of Jason Smith's Smart Machines...
Tag - technology
Frederick Taylor's ghost is living through workplace surveillance technologies, automation, and management softwares...
McIlwain's book misses the mark. He proposes that Black Americans use technology to outrun white supremacy, gaining...
In 1999, Howard Zinn published Marx in Soho, a play about Karl Marx returning from Heaven to clear his name. The...
Noah Hutton's In Silico documents the rise and fall of the Human Brain Project—a 10-year, billion-euro failed attempt...
Helen Zhao discussed with Noah Hutton, director of Lapsis, about various ways—storied by Hutton's new film—science...
Debates about the limitations of natural processing language models and their societal impact are oversimplified in...
We met with organizers of Stop LAPD Spying and the Palestinian Youth Movement to discuss our common struggle against...
Actualmente el software libre está permitiendo que las comunidades indígenas puedan compartir información confiable...
The 996.ICU movement in China—named after a rhyme in Chinese, “working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m for 6 days a week puts you in...