Palestinian youths today are paving the way toward establishing food sovereignty and reducing dependence on the products and employment of the occupation. They uphold their values and principles through a cooperative organizational model...
Search Results For - palestine
We met with organizers of Stop LAPD Spying and the Palestinian Youth Movement to discuss our common struggle against imperialism, the abuse of technology, complicity of scientists and technical workers, as we envision a liberatory future.
The interview with Steven and Hilary Rose is a valuable reminder of the central role scientists played in setting the stage for international support of the Palestinian-led BDS campaign. The Roses wrote their letter to the Guardian in...
Hilary Rose, a sociologist, and Steven Rose, a neuroscientist, were two of the principal founders of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) in the late 1960s in London. BSSRS was linked to radical science...
Register now for the Third International Meeting for Science in Palestine, held January 10-12, 2020, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The meeting will convene people of diverse backgrounds from across the world along with some...
As an organization led by STEM workers and educators, Science for the People has a special responsibility to recognize that current, Western, professional science does not have a monopoly on truth nor on the practices through which people...
The divestment movement must reckon with the financialization of US universities—their subjection to the imperative of growth and reliance on interest-accruing wealth to reproduce themselves. Student-workers at this intersection of the...
On May 21, 2024, a group of eight Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) community members from Akwesasne were arrested at Barnhart Island. The “Akwesasne 8” was exercising their right to build a hunting and gathering shelter on their own territory, and...
Physics is based on questioning. / Questioning the origin of the universe. / Questioning time. Questioning the nature of matter.
The assassination of more than 14,000 Palestinian children and deliberate starvation of two million people by Zionist occupiers in Gaza with the full support of western governments assault our preconceived notion of rationality. It is...