Volume 26, no. 1

Gender: Beyond Binaries

Autumn 2023

Inclusive Biology Evolves With Students

Inclusive Biology Evolves With Students By River Suh Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries Are we really rethinking representation or merely memorizing pronouns? In the face of ongoing legislative attacks against transgender youth and...

Building Transtopian Solidarity

Building Transtopian Solidarity By Siufung Law Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries In light of the recent Florida House ban on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender minors, it is unfortunately unsurprising that Republican...

Contingent and Structural Roots of Patriarchy

Saini is able to poke a deflationary hole in the myth of the innate quality of patriarchy in a way that opens the door and inspires one to think about the horizon of freedom possible once we let go of our beliefs of what human nature is...

Get Involved with SftP


Since 2014, activists across the United States and in Mexico have rebuilt the organization, which now has about a dozen active local chapters and numerous working groups that bring people in different locations together to work on specific...


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