Category - Vol25-1 The Soil and Worker

التحرير الوطني والتكنولوجيا السيادية: مساهمة صلاح الدين العمامي

تتبعاً للفكر الثوري عند ماو وفانون وكابرال، ألح صلاح الدين العمامي أن العلم والتكنولوجيا هما المفتاح للتحرير الوطني: لا يقتصر ذلك لفك تبعية السيطرة الامبريالية على أنماط الإنتاج، بل يضم أيضاً التطور التكنولوجيا بنائاً على أنماط تتناسب مع السياق التونسي.

Fear of a Black Planet: Archival Notes

“Living in the afterlife of slavery means living on the planetary afterlife of the plantation.” Attempting to elucidate the racial logic of environmental crises, Justin Davis traced his own ancestry and provided historiographic accounts of...

National Liberation and Sovereign Technology

Following the line of revolutionary thought from Mao, Fanon, and Cabral, Slaheddine El-Amami saw science and technology as key to national liberation: not only delinking from imperialist control of production, but ecological development...

Sumud and Sovereignty

UAWC works to empower Palestinian farmers, reinforce their steadfastness (sumud) on the land, and to achieve food sovereignty. They are recently targeted by Israeli occupation and Zionist forces in the West.

Stories of Struggle and Strife

Mass farmer suicides in India driven by economic deprivation were examined through the stories of families trying to survive in the aftermath. However, Kota Neelima saw the widows as victims rather than revolutionary agents.