Author - SftP Publishing

Sumud and Sovereignty

UAWC works to empower Palestinian farmers, reinforce their steadfastness (sumud) on the land, and to achieve food sovereignty. They are recently targeted by Israeli occupation and Zionist forces in the West.

Stories of Struggle and Strife

Mass farmer suicides in India driven by economic deprivation were examined through the stories of families trying to survive in the aftermath. However, Kota Neelima saw the widows as victims rather than revolutionary agents.

Biology at Another Crossroads

Mainstream philosophy of science can no longer sideline dialectical materialism. A survey of nascent ideas across different fields in biology reveals the enduring legacy of Richard Lewontin.

Heading for the Last Roundup

Monsanto and Bayer, with tacit support from the scientific establishment, continue to ignore the serious hazard of glyphosate, the active ingredient of the Roundup weedkiller. The left discourse on GMO and capitalist agriculture must not...