Author - SftP Publishing

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Science for the People is an organization of scientists, workers, educators, and activists dedicated to building a social movement around progressive and radical perspectives on science and society. Thirty years after the original...

No Wiser than Before

The world is predominantly conceptualized as split between the subjects of history (humans) and the objects of history (everything else). The undifferentiated mass of everything else – identified as nature, or the environment - is treated...

An Excerpt from Green Earth

Kim Stanley Robinson describes himself as "a patriot of the genre" of science fiction, writing at the intersection of science and politics for over three decades. Science For The People is pleased to present this excerpt from one of his...

Who Will Control the Earth’s Thermostat?

According to the most recent IPCC report, we have only twelve years to drastically reduce emissions if we’re to keep the earth’s temperature rise from surpassing 1.5º Celsius. The dire conclusions of the report and the daunting task we...

Fire and Plantations in Portugal

Devastating wildfires are increasingly a feature of summers across the globe, and their intensity and scale have been linked directly to climate change in a number of recent publications. Longer fire seasons, coupled with heatwave and...

Geoengineering and Environmental Capitalism

After decades of lurking in the shadows of secretive military research, geoengineering has recently resurfaced in conversations about climate change and crept into the mainstream of international climate policy. A small group of climate...