The return of Science for the People as a publication and organization is a milestone in the struggle for science. In the decades of our absence, the embrace of science as a power standing above society has become all too common. As an...
Author - SftP Publishing
In the summer of 2018, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) published a report about a critical issue in the sciences: sexual harassment. All too predictably, they found that gender-based harassment is...
Elizabeth was an integral part of the group that produced the first issues of Science for the People. She not only contributed artwork but also participated in layout, paste-up, and the numerous other tasks necessary in those pre-computer...
Science for the People is an organization of scientists, workers, educators, and activists dedicated to building a social movement around progressive and radical perspectives on science and society. Thirty years after the original...
Shortly after Moshé Machover was expelled from the UK's Labour Party, Science for the People activists organized an international petition in his defense. Prioritizing academics from Machover’s fields–Mathematics and Philosophy of...
The first discussion in Science for the People of a program to manipulate the weather—a useful corollary as we consider the probability of attempts to engineer the climate—was in the July 1972 issue.
The world is predominantly conceptualized as split between the subjects of history (humans) and the objects of history (everything else). The undifferentiated mass of everything else – identified as nature, or the environment - is treated...
Kim Stanley Robinson describes himself as "a patriot of the genre" of science fiction, writing at the intersection of science and politics for over three decades. Science For The People is pleased to present this excerpt from one of his...
According to the most recent IPCC report, we have only twelve years to drastically reduce emissions if we’re to keep the earth’s temperature rise from surpassing 1.5º Celsius. The dire conclusions of the report and the daunting task we...
In signing the Paris Agreement on climate change, countries committed to hold the rise in global temperature to less than a 2°C increase above pre-industrial levels and, further, to aim for keeping the global temperature increase to a 1...