Building Transtopian Solidarity By Siufung Law Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries In light of the recent Florida...
Tag - china
Terracing campaigns in Mao-era China, exemplified by “Dazhai,” highlight efforts to conserve the soil, and offer an...
"What does it mean to live, to be human right now?" asks author Xiaowei Wang, as we—from the US metropoles as well as...
The 996.ICU movement in China—named after a rhyme in Chinese, “working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m for 6 days a week puts you in...
中国科技业工作朝九晚九,周六无休的时长引发 “996.ICU”运动: “工作996,生病icu!“ 得到全球范围内的反响。在中美关系逐渐恶化下,技术工人必须寻找共同点,分享组织策略,并不断相互学习。
We invite readers to continue the conversation by sharing their thoughts after the critical rereading of China: Science...
Meet delegates of the 1973 trip.
The 996.ICU movement in China—named after a rhyme in Chinese, “working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m for 6 days a week puts you in...
A delegate reflects on the second SftP trip to China in 1978, in the midst of rapid transformation of science and...
Vinton Thompson reflects on the first SftP trip to China in 1973, and contributions to writing the 1974 book, China:...