Category - Vol26-1 Gender

Disruptions and Reproductions of Normative Science

Disruptions and Reproductions of Normative Science  The Autobiography of the Transgender Scientist (2017)  By Prerna Srigyan and Neak Loucks Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries We learn from Nancy Hopkins’s foreword and numerous articles published after his passing in late 2017 that Ben Barres (1954-2017) was a...

Inclusive Biology Evolves With Students

Inclusive Biology Evolves With Students By River Suh Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries Are we really rethinking representation or merely memorizing pronouns? In the face of ongoing legislative attacks against transgender youth and...

Building Transtopian Solidarity

Building Transtopian Solidarity By Siufung Law Volume 26, no. 1, Gender: Beyond Binaries In light of the recent Florida House ban on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender minors, it is unfortunately unsurprising that Republican...

Contingent and Structural Roots of Patriarchy

Saini is able to poke a deflationary hole in the myth of the innate quality of patriarchy in a way that opens the door and inspires one to think about the horizon of freedom possible once we let go of our beliefs of what human nature is...